HSJ Feature – The need for a unified approach to managing elective patients during the pandemic

As we find ourselves in the middle of third lockdown, and what could be the most severe wave of the pandemic so far, what lessons can be learned from our experiences over the last 10 months to support the management of elective care and as much as possible, maintain the safety of patients?
Published in the HSJ today, senior consultant for Acumentice, Philip Purdy, outlines how taking a unified approach will not only put us in a better position now, but also when we finally emerge from this wave and the pandemic.
Recent edicts such as the clinical prioritisation framework issued in September, provided an outline of expected outcomes of managing waiting lists, yet also presented challenges such as the operational processes required to succeed which, as previously seen, can lead to varied approaches and potentially varied results.
This article explores how taking a more unified approach, working with others and employing digital tools where appropriate can really support these efforts, resulting in more positive results for all concerned.
Click here to read the article in full.
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