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Throughout the country, integrated care systems are trying to redefine what we have previously understood by the concept of treating in line with clinical need. Indeed, NHS providers are reviewing how to reprioritise elective waiting lists by taking account of factors influencing inequality. This means an individual’s position on the waiting list could be revised by accounting for a series of clinical and non-clinical factors. However, are there potential hazards in the methodologies being employed? Additionally, are there any risks in the organic nature in which the work is currently being developed?
Published in the HSJ today, Philip Purdy, Principal Consultant at Acumentice, discusses the challenges presented by pursuing novel and heterogeneous methods of prioritising elective waiting lists.
In the article, Philip concentrates on the importance of complete and accurate data and how it can be used in complex prioritisation systems. He recognises that the way we interpret and apply indicators of deprivation is a very new science to the NHS and one that that remains relatively unrefined. Finally, he explores the way in which the work is developing and whether it could lead to potential risks that must be recognised and explored.
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